The drawing shows a long, thin wolf with a large, open mouth. In front of the wolf, there are several different types of glasses or cups arranged in a line. The wolf seems to be ready to devour something good.
Here are some possible interpretations of the drawing:
- Greed and gluttony: The wolf's open mouth and the line of glasses suggest a desire for more than one can consume. This could be a warning against greed or gluttony. We spend out of control, we consume too much and have too little left over on our budget to make it to the next month.
- Temptation: The glasses could represent temptation or desire, and the wolf's eagerness to consume them could symbolize the dangers of giving in to temptation, or the tempation to add more more bill to the monthly budget. The glasses could be different size debt obligations, each one of them sucking the milk out of the mother budget.
- Loss of control: The wolf's large mouth and the fact that it is not in control of its hunger could represent a loss of control or self-discipline, just as we over spend at times after getting paid, leaving us with no milk for our creditors.
- A personal interpretation: The drawing could also have a more personal meaning for the artist. For example, it could represent a struggle with addiction or a fear of losing control.
Ultimately, the interpretation of the drawing is up to the individual. However, the image clearly conveys a sense of greed, temptation, and loss of control.