Today is March 3, 2024, last day on sick leave.  I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow, I am fully rested.  My reasoning behind building this blog is to write down the stuff needed in the coming days and help organize my thoughts on my actions.  

Things that must get done:

  • Shop for a loan for the single wide trailer we want to buy to bring down our living cost.  
  • Pick up the deed to the house out on Stead Blvd.
  • Get to the DMV to get my real ID.
  • Scan in paper-work to the SOR ( System of Records)

Every day things to do:

  • Excerise
  • Read book on marriage
  • Work on coding
  • Downsize 
  • budgeting
  • Clean house

This is just a touch of what needs to happen.   Will update as soon as I get the data.